Friday, 17 January 2014

Photographer Research/Inspiration

I researched many different photographers and their different styles to get inspiration and see what I liked best and to try and create an idea of what I wanted and could create for the front page and contents of my magazine. I looked around the internet for professional photographers with individual style on Google and photography websites such as Instargram and Tumblr and I also looked in the magazine 'Digital Photographer'. These are some of the ones I looked at and thought looked best.

Zach Rose
Looking around I found a photographer called Zach rose who uses a second camera and second picture to replace the face of the original picture to create the illusion of someone having someone else's head on their body. I could use this because the main focus of the picture is the face so it draws attention to the face more because it is in the middle of the other camera. Although it makes the face smaller and I would not be able to have use of props unless it was something like a stick (shown in the bottom right picture) and that would not work for me as i am going for the use of a prop. Also this technique would only work with a duo because it would have one persons head and the others body and I want to have a solo artist on the front of my magazine.

Anton Corbijn
I was also told about a photographer Anton Corbjin who takes all of his pictures in black and white to create a mood and atmosphere in the picture and he also uses a lot of props especially cigarettes. I would use this technique because i like the idea of black and white because it makes the model full of emotion and make the picture more dramatic and creates a better look overall. Also, i am thinking to have the use of props and Anton uses a lot of props and they look good and are easily in frame to be seen so I probably will do something similar to this photography mainly because of the props. But, I wouldn't use something like a cigarette i would use something to do with music like a record or a guitar.

Magazine Inspiration

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