Friday, 17 January 2014

Language Register

For my language that will be in my magazine I am going to make it semi formal. It will consist of the proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, terminology and vocabulary but because it is for teenagers and young adults it will use some slang used by the generation that will be reading my magazine. Also, it could have some very informal language or very formal language due to interviews of bands and artists within the contents of the magazine for example if the artist Alex Turner was being interviewed, because he is Sheffield, it will have the language and vocabulary of a person from Sheffield. Strong language will be in the magazine but the whole word will not be shown in the magazine it would just be starred out except from the first letter to increase the audience range to more ages. I have taken the language for my magazine out of NME and Q magazine and I am going to use the same language as they do because its what I am going for most.

1 comment:

  1. Offer some examples from your research into language e.g. Q and from where you would like to emulate.

    Well done Adam - overall your research is pleasing. You need to add your pitch, mag title and research on institution to ensure this reaches full potential.
    Check your individual comments for further comments/suggestions I've made.
