I want my lay out of my magazine to be like NME magazine and include an artist that looks alternative with aspects of them such as hair cut and clothing to be in the alternate style.
I want to have the fashion on the cover and inside the magazine similar to what The Smiths wear because I think it looks the most different and alternate and I think it will fit in most with what I am trying to aim for in my magazine. I have also chosen this fashion line because I think it looks the best and smartest to have on the front of a magazine and makes it more appealing for what the target audience is going to be, indie rock music loving teens and adults that are also into fashion aspects.
Music Video
This appeals to my genre i want because of their clothing which is typical to what artists of this type of genre wear.
Good selection of texts - it would be even better if you pick out elements in the music video and acomment on how they appeal to your target audience etc