The colour scheme of the magazine is very simple of red and black over a white background, with the exception of an orange strip on one side of the magazine. I did the colour scheme like this because I believe that they are uni-sex colours and do not lean towards males or females. It creates a quite professional and posh look but also quite a young look at the same time to make it appeal to my target audience. This look continues on through my double page spread and contents to make it easy to read and also so it looks like the same magazine all the way though.

The contents and features of my magazine would all appeal to my target audience because all of the artists and bands within the magazine are within the music genre I am aiming for so it would appeal to them all as they would most likely like all of the bands within the magazine and they would like to read all about them.
The content of my DPS attracts the audience that i am going for as it reflects a real life situation that the people who are reading the magazine may be involved in because its of the music genre the readers would like so they would like to read more about what happened when they were there. Also it may attract to the people that weren't there as they would like the duo so want to learn about it and also it is quite and exciting story and title of the article which would bring in the audience.
All good but I think you can add more - be more specific about how your style/fashion/models would appeal to your audience. How would the features in your mag appeal? How would the DPS content appeal to them?